Friday, June 26, 2009

Ready for the weekend

We have these wonderful friends, the Pesta's. They called yesterday to say that they were coming down from Washington for the weekend. This is such a blessing. They will be here in just a few hours so I better get busy getting all my housework done.

I also was able to get my Etsy shop open, FINALLY!! I seriously have been working on it for weeks. I decided yesterday that that was THE day. I only posted a few listings, but I'm so excited to actually have it open now. I'm still working on making it pretty, but it's there. Check it out if you get a chance and tell me what you think.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


I've been trying really hard to get my Etsy shop open and get my soaps listed. Every time I get good pictures taken, I sell out of that soap. I'm not complaining at's exciting to sell things you make. I have a bunch of new scents to pour as well. I've also started making a quilt and can't get to it as often as I would like. We are going to Leavenworth, WA for the fourth of July and trying to get all those details worked out. I'm trying to figure out how to get to Portland on July 11 for a motivational meeting from the President of Advocare. Breathe....

Monday, June 8, 2009

Camping...Barrett style...

As I mentioned before, we went camping at Howard Prairie, outside of Ashland OR. The weather was not so good when we got there but eventually the sun showed up. Our very best friends, the Pesta's drove forever and a day to "surprise" us for our birthdays.

Sarah and her rock...

My best friend Amy and I...

The brothers.....

Grandpa and Sarah and watermelon...

Mackenzie and her very first catch and Aunt Jamie...

Mom and dad and our grandparents rented us a schooner (permanently stationed camp trailer) as a birthday present. The first night there was such a strong smell of propane that we didn't dare turn the heater on. The next morning, the maintenance crew moved us to a different one and helped us move our tent...

This was such a blessed birthday weekend...

Thursday, June 4, 2009


Well, I'm 31 today and trying to figure out when that happened. I don't think we're doing much. We are getting ready to go camping this weekend at Howard Prairie. The weather isn't expected to be great, but I say that camping in the rain creates memories...wet and muddy ones. Looking forward to it!!