Saturday, July 18, 2009

Laundry Soap

I came across a recipe for homemade laundry soap of the internet and I thought I would share. So far everyone that has tried has loved it. My grandma says it's the best she's ever used. It is a very simple recipe and doesn't take but maybe 20 minutes. It is way cheaper than store bought stuff and doesn't have all the icky chemicals. Here's the recipe:

Ingredients: 1 bar of Fels Naptha (found at grocery store in laundry aisle), Arm & Hammer Washing Soda (not to be confused with baking soda), and Borax (20 mule team), Fragrance oil or Essential oil (optional). I hear that the washing soda is kinda hard to find, but I got it at Fred Meyer in Brookings. All of these will be found in the laundry aisle.

Step 1: Grate the bar of Fels Naptha. I used a regular cheese grater and it works just fine.

Step 2: Bring 4 cups of water to almost boiling.

Step 3: Add grated bar of Fels Naptha. The grated soap will melt in water

Step 4: Pour 3 gallons of HOT water into a 5 gallon bucket.

Step 5: Pour in melted soap from step 3. Stir for about a minute.

Step 6: Add 1 cup of Washing Soda. Stir for a minute or two. Add 1/2 cup of Borax. Stir for another minute or two.

**optional** At this point add 1 oz of desired fragrance oil or essential oil. I use Soapy Clean from Brambleberry.

Let sit overnight.

The consistency will be like thick soup while cooling. Then it will be kindof like a gel. My mom uses this in her HE washer and loves it. You will want to use about a cup to a cup and half per load.


  1. I want to make some of this!!! :) I have VBS this week so I won't be around much but we MUST get together soon!

  2. Awesome! Thanks so much for the recipe. I am really excited to try it!
