Tuesday, September 29, 2009

First peek at Baby

Today we got our first peek at our little one. I'm about 15 weeks now and almost far enough along to see what it is. Yes, I'm impatient and can't wait for the "surprise" factor. I like to know as soon as I can what I'm loving. My next appt is Oct 23.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Wow...time flies

Well, it's been way to long since I posted anything on here. There's been lots going on. The school year started and then we switched schools. All the kids are back at Foursquare Christian School. What a blessing to be back there. Mackenzie was moved to a 7th grade class which was kindof cool.

We are still in the process of buying a house. We found the perfect house for our family and we are now dealing with the bank on a short sale. The seller accepted our offer and now we are waiting on the seller's bank to accept the offer. Hopefully we will know something soon.

I still haven't been to the baby Dr. yet but I'm a pro at this point :) I'm a little over 12 weeks now along with my sister.

I've totally been neglecting my soapmaking. The FO's I'm using are a bit strong for my pregnant senses lately. I did however manage to make a beautiful batch of Grass Stain and my husband...yes my husband... made a super yummy batch of Chocolate Peppermint. It smells amazing. I need to order some fragrances for the upcoming holidays. I will gladly take any suggestions.

Anyways, that's kindof what's been going on in my life lately. Hopefully I will be better about more frequent posts.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Makeup...Oh my!

So this is what happens when an almost 2 year old finds her big sissy's play makeup stash. It was the funniest thing to discover. She was so proud of her beautiful face. I absolutely had to share this...