Tuesday, September 29, 2009

First peek at Baby

Today we got our first peek at our little one. I'm about 15 weeks now and almost far enough along to see what it is. Yes, I'm impatient and can't wait for the "surprise" factor. I like to know as soon as I can what I'm loving. My next appt is Oct 23.


  1. Oh my gosh.........so precious!!!! I can't wait to meet him or her! Look at that little head and those little legs. I so love ultrasound shots! What a blessing from the Lord!

  2. I love ultrasounds except the DR. who did it didn't let me see much. I couldn't see the screen and he would only let me see screen shots instead of seeing the baby move.

  3. Wow! How exciting was that to log on and see my new little grandchild. Thanks so much for posting it. Hope Mom and Dad and all the little ones are doing wonderfully! We love you guys!

  4. Congrats! We're so happy for you guys and pray that you continue to have a healthy and smooth pregnancy.
