Monday, November 9, 2009

It's a Girl!!

I had my ultrasound today and I am blessed with another beautiful baby girl. This will make daughter #4. I was so anxious waiting for my appt...much more anxious than any other ultrasound. I'm not really sure why I was so anxious. I think it was the thought of possibly the unfamiliar (a boy). I honestly didn't have a preference, I have been praying everyday for a healthy baby. Doctor says she looks great. I am so excited to have another little girl. Thank you God for this blessing.


  1. Congrats again and thanks for calling me yesterday! :)

  2. Now you can decorate a truly girl's room for Sarah and her new little sister. Congratulations!

  3. Yay! So happy everything is going smoothly :) Daryl and Spencer are going to be even more out-numbered now! It's good for them.
