Sunday, December 20, 2009

Busy girls

Mom has finally tried her hand at soapmaking and I'm happy to report that she too is now addicted. How could you not be though. We made 3 fabulous batches tomorrow and we are both impatiently waiting for the Fed Ex guy to bring us more fragrance oils. I've thoroughly enjoyed making soap for the past year and I LOVE to share the process with other people. This is probably one of the first passions that I've had that my mom has been able to get involved in. Could be the mini football team we have with all the kids in our families taking all our time.

As I'm writing this my wonderful husband is out in our garage building my Christmas present...a soap room. I'm so excited about this. No more packing boxes in and out of the house to make a batch of soap. He really is quite handy and it's so great to have a husband that is so supportive.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

O, Christmas Tree

We finally got our tree decorated last night (it's been a busy month). Honestly, I'm NOT a decorator nor do I have the need to have total perfection. Some of my family (mom, sister) has the decorating talent that sometimes turns into what seems to be some type of OCD!! I smile as I say this because everything they do is perfectly decorated and everything has it's perfect place. Me...not so much and I'm perfectly ok with that. Maybe it has something to do with having 4 young children and another on the way. Hmmm......

Anyways, several years ago my mom started what seemed to be a tradition. Each year she would buy each of my kids their "special" ornament for that year. She would put their name on it and the year it was bought. It's been kind of hit and miss with this but last night it really got me thinking. As I sat with my husband in the dark looking at our decorated only by children tree I felt so blessed. There is no "theme" or color scheme to our tree. Nothing is placed in order. It brought tears to my eyes because our tree is filled with ornaments that have meaning behind every single one of them.

Once upon a time I was one of those that had to have THE tree. The ornaments that were handmade by pre-school kids never made it to the tree because they didn't match. As I mentioned before, I am not a decorator and one year actually bought a display tree already beautfully decorated. It was ridiculous. Now that I am in my 30's and have found so much peace in my life I look back with sadness that appearance ever mattered to me. Someone always seems to have something to say about my lack of decorating sense or wants to criticize my lack of effort. REally, it's not lack of effort but sitting back and enjoying the looks of the faces of my children each year when they unwrap their special ornaments. Looking at the masterpiece they created with memories of their little lives. Looking at the future they will have and having so much excitement thinking about the day they get all their ornaments from their childhood as a wedding gift for their trees.

Monday, November 9, 2009

It's a Girl!!

I had my ultrasound today and I am blessed with another beautiful baby girl. This will make daughter #4. I was so anxious waiting for my appt...much more anxious than any other ultrasound. I'm not really sure why I was so anxious. I think it was the thought of possibly the unfamiliar (a boy). I honestly didn't have a preference, I have been praying everyday for a healthy baby. Doctor says she looks great. I am so excited to have another little girl. Thank you God for this blessing.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Christmas Trio...

This is what I have so far for yummy Christmas flavors. On the far left is Sleigh Ride. I used Titanium Dioxide to make it super white and added a bit of Pearly white Mica for a little shimmer. Then I dusted some glitter on top. In the middle is Santa's Spruce. I am still struggling with the whole swirling thing. It's always a surprise to see what the final bar will look like. Any swirling tips would be sooo appreciated. Next is Pumpkin Spice. I love how this one turned out. It really looks good enough to eat. I sprinkled a bit of cinnamon on top.
I haven't been making very much soap lately because the smells were really bothering me...due to the baby in my tummy. Seems that isn't a problem anymore. YAY!!! I am trying to get my stock built back up and get packed for our big move this weekend. This seriously has been like the longest week of my life. AAAGH!!!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Our new house

Today we got the wonderful news that the bank finally accepted our offer on this house. It was a home that was being sold as a short sale and so the seller was kindof out of the picture and we had to deal with his bank. They took almost 2 months to finally accept our offer. That was after 2 rejections and counter offers. Our patience was seriously being tested. We have a short 15 day escrow and LOTS to do in that time. Praise God for this blessing. We would not have been able to own a home like this without God's hand in it. Thank you Lord!!!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Potty training time

We have officially started the potty training process. I fully believe in not rushing kids into potty training and waiting for them to come to it on their own. We bought Sarah this ridiculous but cute pink princess "throne" that plays a song as a reward. The first time she experienced the song, she freaked out and jumped off the potty mid-stream. I thought, "Great, she's traumatized now." I was wrong and she enjoys the music now. I'm not quite sure where she picked up the habit of reading on the toilet... Everytime she thinks she needs to use the toilet, she grabs a book. It's the funniest thing.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

First peek at Baby

Today we got our first peek at our little one. I'm about 15 weeks now and almost far enough along to see what it is. Yes, I'm impatient and can't wait for the "surprise" factor. I like to know as soon as I can what I'm loving. My next appt is Oct 23.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Wow...time flies

Well, it's been way to long since I posted anything on here. There's been lots going on. The school year started and then we switched schools. All the kids are back at Foursquare Christian School. What a blessing to be back there. Mackenzie was moved to a 7th grade class which was kindof cool.

We are still in the process of buying a house. We found the perfect house for our family and we are now dealing with the bank on a short sale. The seller accepted our offer and now we are waiting on the seller's bank to accept the offer. Hopefully we will know something soon.

I still haven't been to the baby Dr. yet but I'm a pro at this point :) I'm a little over 12 weeks now along with my sister.

I've totally been neglecting my soapmaking. The FO's I'm using are a bit strong for my pregnant senses lately. I did however manage to make a beautiful batch of Grass Stain and my husband...yes my husband... made a super yummy batch of Chocolate Peppermint. It smells amazing. I need to order some fragrances for the upcoming holidays. I will gladly take any suggestions.

Anyways, that's kindof what's been going on in my life lately. Hopefully I will be better about more frequent posts.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Makeup...Oh my!

So this is what happens when an almost 2 year old finds her big sissy's play makeup stash. It was the funniest thing to discover. She was so proud of her beautiful face. I absolutely had to share this...

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Home from Texas

Last Thursday I flew out to Dallas, Texas for an Advocare Success School training. It was incredible. I met so many new and wonderful people. I learned more about the products we sell and the wonderful opportunity I have for our family.

It was super hard to leave the fam for four days but daddy did such a great job. I safely made it home late, late Sunday night.

Monday, July 27, 2009

My Not so Little Secret

We found out that we are having another baby!! And I will be an auntie at the same time too! I can't wait. I am so blessed. I am due around April 3.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

I have a little...not so little secret

I have a little secret and today my secret got even bigger. It's driving me absolutely crazy that I can't say anything so this is me not saying anything. Hopefully only a few more days and I can spill the beans. I have been squealing with excitement though.

Today my grandma from San Diego and aunt Alesa from Las Vegas came to town for a little visit. It was so nice to see them again.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Laundry Soap

I came across a recipe for homemade laundry soap of the internet and I thought I would share. So far everyone that has tried has loved it. My grandma says it's the best she's ever used. It is a very simple recipe and doesn't take but maybe 20 minutes. It is way cheaper than store bought stuff and doesn't have all the icky chemicals. Here's the recipe:

Ingredients: 1 bar of Fels Naptha (found at grocery store in laundry aisle), Arm & Hammer Washing Soda (not to be confused with baking soda), and Borax (20 mule team), Fragrance oil or Essential oil (optional). I hear that the washing soda is kinda hard to find, but I got it at Fred Meyer in Brookings. All of these will be found in the laundry aisle.

Step 1: Grate the bar of Fels Naptha. I used a regular cheese grater and it works just fine.

Step 2: Bring 4 cups of water to almost boiling.

Step 3: Add grated bar of Fels Naptha. The grated soap will melt in water

Step 4: Pour 3 gallons of HOT water into a 5 gallon bucket.

Step 5: Pour in melted soap from step 3. Stir for about a minute.

Step 6: Add 1 cup of Washing Soda. Stir for a minute or two. Add 1/2 cup of Borax. Stir for another minute or two.

**optional** At this point add 1 oz of desired fragrance oil or essential oil. I use Soapy Clean from Brambleberry.

Let sit overnight.

The consistency will be like thick soup while cooling. Then it will be kindof like a gel. My mom uses this in her HE washer and loves it. You will want to use about a cup to a cup and half per load.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Lazy Days

Well, Grace, Sarah and I have not done a whole lot of anything today. The girls put all of the pillows on the floor so that Sarah would not get hurt jumping off the couch. I was able to get some things done on the computer. I was able to get in the shower thanks to Grace for entertaining Sarah. I did NOT get dressed though :)

We are just waiting for Daryl to get home from work so we can go to Brookings and get Grace a new bike. Maybe, if we bat our eyes he will take us to Rancho Viejo for dinner.....

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Kinda strange!!

It's been so long since I've posted anything. Life in the Barrett house has been super crazy lately...good crazy though. We had the neatest week with some friends of ours. The kind of neat when the only exlanation for certain things is God. His movements the past week and half are absolutely unexplainable.

Our friends went home but they will be back this weekend :) Spencer went to see his grandma in Bend for a few days and Mackenzie is camping in Howard Prairie with mom and dad. Grace is with her daddy until tomorrow evening. Sarah is sleeping right now...what??? The house is super quiet. Kinda strange. Here I sit on the computer and my hubby is out in the shop working on a transmission. Such is life!!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Ready for the weekend

We have these wonderful friends, the Pesta's. They called yesterday to say that they were coming down from Washington for the weekend. This is such a blessing. They will be here in just a few hours so I better get busy getting all my housework done.

I also was able to get my Etsy shop open, FINALLY!! I seriously have been working on it for weeks. I decided yesterday that that was THE day. I only posted a few listings, but I'm so excited to actually have it open now. I'm still working on making it pretty, but it's there. Check it out if you get a chance and tell me what you think.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


I've been trying really hard to get my Etsy shop open and get my soaps listed. Every time I get good pictures taken, I sell out of that soap. I'm not complaining at's exciting to sell things you make. I have a bunch of new scents to pour as well. I've also started making a quilt and can't get to it as often as I would like. We are going to Leavenworth, WA for the fourth of July and trying to get all those details worked out. I'm trying to figure out how to get to Portland on July 11 for a motivational meeting from the President of Advocare. Breathe....

Monday, June 8, 2009

Camping...Barrett style...

As I mentioned before, we went camping at Howard Prairie, outside of Ashland OR. The weather was not so good when we got there but eventually the sun showed up. Our very best friends, the Pesta's drove forever and a day to "surprise" us for our birthdays.

Sarah and her rock...

My best friend Amy and I...

The brothers.....

Grandpa and Sarah and watermelon...

Mackenzie and her very first catch and Aunt Jamie...

Mom and dad and our grandparents rented us a schooner (permanently stationed camp trailer) as a birthday present. The first night there was such a strong smell of propane that we didn't dare turn the heater on. The next morning, the maintenance crew moved us to a different one and helped us move our tent...

This was such a blessed birthday weekend...

Thursday, June 4, 2009


Well, I'm 31 today and trying to figure out when that happened. I don't think we're doing much. We are getting ready to go camping this weekend at Howard Prairie. The weather isn't expected to be great, but I say that camping in the rain creates memories...wet and muddy ones. Looking forward to it!!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

A few of hundreds...

It's so hard to just pick a few pictures to post. I could look through these photos for hours and keep finding favorites. So I just started uploading and apparantly I could only post 5. What's up with that?? I guess I should look at that limitation as just plain helpful :)

Papa and Grandma with all the kids!

Grandma and Sarah getting all pretty

Daddy and Sarah taking a break at Mickey's house

Sarah on Heimlich's chew chew train

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Back to Reality

Well, we are home and I am happy to report that we had a WONDERFUL time. Did I mention it was wonderful???? Our whole trip was so blessed. The 17 hour car ride there and back was even wonderful. The kids got along so good and Sarah didn't even seem to mind being stuck in a car seat for that long. God certainly had His hand on this vacation. We got to visit with my family that I lived with for 7 years before I moved to Crescent City. The girls had fun with grandma making aprons and all the kids (except for Sarah) got to learn how to make candlesticks with Papa.

As soon as I can narrow my favorite pictures down to just a few (yeah right) I will post some. I recently got a new camera (one that I've wanted for quite some time now) and the pictures are fantastic.

Friday, May 15, 2009

First Barrett family vacation...

Things have been very hectic around our household. Originally we had a vacation planned for July but we moved it up to TOMORROW. We are leaving tomorrow after Daryl gets off work for Southern California. My wonderful grandma Packer lives in Vista which is right outside of San Diego. We get to stay for 7 days. This is the first Barrett family vacation. I'm so excited for more of my family to meet Daryl, Sarah and Spencer. I will be sure to post some pics and write about our time together when we get back.

Pray for a safe drive and good times.....

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Baby Powder

Last night Sarah found a bottle of baby powder I didn't know I had. She thought it was great and even though there was a big mess, I thought it was pretty funny. At first I was unsure of what had happened because she was nowhere to be found. Then I found her footprint in the powder.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Wow! I can't believe how long it's been since I posted on here. I gotta dash out the door to take Spencer to school so I only have time for a quick update.

The weather has been Fabulous the last few days. I hope it's here for a little while at least. We have planning a trip to Disneyland in July but we're trying to see if maybe we can go in May instead. We are so impatient. I can't seem to find my camera anywhere so there's been a shortage of pictures lately :( I did however order a new camera and it should be here this week. I'm so excited. I've wanted a camera like this one for quite a while now. We bought a dishwasher 2 weeks ago and that was such a blessing. No more standing at the sink for hours everyday. I've been making soap like crazy and trying to sell Advocare again. Daryl's got a few projects going right now. The kids are all doing good. Have to go for now.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Another rainy Thursday

Well I don't want to turn this blog into "All about Lindsey's soaps" but it's so hard to not talk about it all the time. I'm a little obsessed right now. I'm trying really hard to get my inventory up for farmers market. I think what I most enjoy about it is that I made it and people really love it. I've never been super crafty but always wished I was.
Daryl and I have been going through all of our stored belongings and trying to "clean up." Our church is having a garage sale and so we're trying to get stuff together for that. It's not been an easy task...
The kids are anxiously awaiting spring break. We don't have any plans to go anywhere but I sure hope it doesn't rain. 4 kids couped up in a small house for a week = one crazy mama!!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Kids and Shavings

So about a week ago there was a semi truck load of wood shavings delivered to the barn. After school today the kids put on painting suits (to not ruin there clothes) and got to play in the huge mound of shavings. Sarah wasn't quite sure what to think of all of it and was a little more interested in the horses outside.

Grace's eye is getting better, slowly. The swelling is going down but it's really turning black/purple.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Poor Grace

So this morning I left my house at the normal time, 8:00 am to take Spencer to school. Grace spends Tuesday and Wednesday nights with her dad so she wasn't with me this morning. At about 8:10 I get a call from the office lady at the school. She says that Grace and some kid bumped heads and I need to come look at her. I was waiting for the reassuring, "She's ok," phrase that didn't come. When I walked into the office Grace is sitting on the nurse's table with the principal holding an ice pack to her left cheek bone. Grace removes the ice pack to show me the BIGGEST goose egg I've ever seen in real life. Holy smokes!! For those of you who know Grace well, this shouldn't come as a surprise. No matter what that kid does, her head takes the brunt of it all. She's had stiches, her head glued back together, knocked her front teeth out, and now this. I'm thinking she needs a helmet.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

kids and sunshine

The sun has been out for the last couple days and it's actually warm. Sarah LOVES to play outside. Yesterday Spencer was pulling Sarah around the yard in a wagon and she was waving to everyone like she's a princess (she really is a princess). They played on the trampoline that was blown upside down by the windstorm we had the other day. Mackenzie's been MIA the last few nights. She's been going to the revival our church is having. She's been leaving at about 6:00 in the evening and not home until around 9:30. She entered another art contest at school so we'll see what comes of that. The last one she entered, she won and we got to go to Washington D.C. Grace has been with her dad the last couple days. We've all been pretty busy the last few days. I had taken some cute pictures of Sarah playing outside but they didn't turn out since I was taking them through my windows that need cleaning :) Guess it's time to do that.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Nameless no more...

I've been beating my head against a wall trying to come up with a name for my new soap business. With the help of Amy, Amiee and my hubby...we've done it. Country Soap Box is our name. I'm so excited. I've set up a website (nothing on there yet) at I was brought to the etsy website by my friend Heather. For any of you that love quilting, you should check out her shop...fabulous. Hers is I do have soap that's cured and ready to be sold, so for now, you can email me or call me.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

soap stuff

So my new favorite hobby is making soap. I'm hoping to be able to start selling it pretty soon. I was introduced by my friend Heather to a girl in Maine named Amanda. She has been so kind in teaching me how to do this. Heather was my very first soapmaking buddy and I've now helped 2 of my friends make it. It's been a blessing to learn something new. Here are some pictures of what I've made.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Great friends, great times...

The Pesta family came to visit us the end of last week and through the weekend. You know the friends that are way more like family...that's the Pesta's. They came down all the way from Cashmere, WA to visit. Definitely brightened our days. We are so thankful to have friends like them. Mitch and Amy have 3 kids, Ashley, Mia and Logan. Amy and I had fun making soap (was quite interesting). We went to tour the Lighthouse (sad that I've lived here for 16 years and this was my first time). We took the kids to help milk our family cow. The rest of the time we stayed home, cooking on the grill and laughing, alot. Here are some pictures of our time together...

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

it's a sad day

As most of you know, we were expecting another baby in October...This morning heaven got a new angel and I will have to wait to meet that little baby. If you could keep us all in your prayers, we would greatly appreciate it.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

little miss independent

Sarah thinks she NEEDS to eat cereal just like the big kids....this is what we get! Better than yesterday though, she sent the bowl flying.

Friday, February 27, 2009

The family...6 and counting...

This family picture was taken in July 2008. There is another baby on the way so we'll have to udate the photo next fall. Anyways, here's our clan

I'm a newbie

Okay, so this is a first for me. I'm still trying to figure out this whole blog thing. I'll eventually get the hang of it and it will be more interesting.