Friday, March 27, 2009

Kids and Shavings

So about a week ago there was a semi truck load of wood shavings delivered to the barn. After school today the kids put on painting suits (to not ruin there clothes) and got to play in the huge mound of shavings. Sarah wasn't quite sure what to think of all of it and was a little more interested in the horses outside.

Grace's eye is getting better, slowly. The swelling is going down but it's really turning black/purple.


  1. Who is Sarah sitting on? That horse doesn't look familiar! :)

  2. I think his name is Taz. He belongs to one of the borders. She HAD to touch him which was really funny because she usually gets close and then takes off.

  3. Sarah certainly knows how to pose. She's too cute. How is Grace handling the she self-conscious or just takes it in stride?

  4. Grace is doing well. She's a pro to head area injuries. After the initial "freak out" she's been sporting it around like a champ. Rightfully so!!
