Friday, March 27, 2009

Kids and Shavings

So about a week ago there was a semi truck load of wood shavings delivered to the barn. After school today the kids put on painting suits (to not ruin there clothes) and got to play in the huge mound of shavings. Sarah wasn't quite sure what to think of all of it and was a little more interested in the horses outside.

Grace's eye is getting better, slowly. The swelling is going down but it's really turning black/purple.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Poor Grace

So this morning I left my house at the normal time, 8:00 am to take Spencer to school. Grace spends Tuesday and Wednesday nights with her dad so she wasn't with me this morning. At about 8:10 I get a call from the office lady at the school. She says that Grace and some kid bumped heads and I need to come look at her. I was waiting for the reassuring, "She's ok," phrase that didn't come. When I walked into the office Grace is sitting on the nurse's table with the principal holding an ice pack to her left cheek bone. Grace removes the ice pack to show me the BIGGEST goose egg I've ever seen in real life. Holy smokes!! For those of you who know Grace well, this shouldn't come as a surprise. No matter what that kid does, her head takes the brunt of it all. She's had stiches, her head glued back together, knocked her front teeth out, and now this. I'm thinking she needs a helmet.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

kids and sunshine

The sun has been out for the last couple days and it's actually warm. Sarah LOVES to play outside. Yesterday Spencer was pulling Sarah around the yard in a wagon and she was waving to everyone like she's a princess (she really is a princess). They played on the trampoline that was blown upside down by the windstorm we had the other day. Mackenzie's been MIA the last few nights. She's been going to the revival our church is having. She's been leaving at about 6:00 in the evening and not home until around 9:30. She entered another art contest at school so we'll see what comes of that. The last one she entered, she won and we got to go to Washington D.C. Grace has been with her dad the last couple days. We've all been pretty busy the last few days. I had taken some cute pictures of Sarah playing outside but they didn't turn out since I was taking them through my windows that need cleaning :) Guess it's time to do that.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Nameless no more...

I've been beating my head against a wall trying to come up with a name for my new soap business. With the help of Amy, Amiee and my hubby...we've done it. Country Soap Box is our name. I'm so excited. I've set up a website (nothing on there yet) at I was brought to the etsy website by my friend Heather. For any of you that love quilting, you should check out her shop...fabulous. Hers is I do have soap that's cured and ready to be sold, so for now, you can email me or call me.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

soap stuff

So my new favorite hobby is making soap. I'm hoping to be able to start selling it pretty soon. I was introduced by my friend Heather to a girl in Maine named Amanda. She has been so kind in teaching me how to do this. Heather was my very first soapmaking buddy and I've now helped 2 of my friends make it. It's been a blessing to learn something new. Here are some pictures of what I've made.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Great friends, great times...

The Pesta family came to visit us the end of last week and through the weekend. You know the friends that are way more like family...that's the Pesta's. They came down all the way from Cashmere, WA to visit. Definitely brightened our days. We are so thankful to have friends like them. Mitch and Amy have 3 kids, Ashley, Mia and Logan. Amy and I had fun making soap (was quite interesting). We went to tour the Lighthouse (sad that I've lived here for 16 years and this was my first time). We took the kids to help milk our family cow. The rest of the time we stayed home, cooking on the grill and laughing, alot. Here are some pictures of our time together...

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

it's a sad day

As most of you know, we were expecting another baby in October...This morning heaven got a new angel and I will have to wait to meet that little baby. If you could keep us all in your prayers, we would greatly appreciate it.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

little miss independent

Sarah thinks she NEEDS to eat cereal just like the big kids....this is what we get! Better than yesterday though, she sent the bowl flying.