Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Poor Grace

So this morning I left my house at the normal time, 8:00 am to take Spencer to school. Grace spends Tuesday and Wednesday nights with her dad so she wasn't with me this morning. At about 8:10 I get a call from the office lady at the school. She says that Grace and some kid bumped heads and I need to come look at her. I was waiting for the reassuring, "She's ok," phrase that didn't come. When I walked into the office Grace is sitting on the nurse's table with the principal holding an ice pack to her left cheek bone. Grace removes the ice pack to show me the BIGGEST goose egg I've ever seen in real life. Holy smokes!! For those of you who know Grace well, this shouldn't come as a surprise. No matter what that kid does, her head takes the brunt of it all. She's had stiches, her head glued back together, knocked her front teeth out, and now this. I'm thinking she needs a helmet.