Friday, June 26, 2009

Ready for the weekend

We have these wonderful friends, the Pesta's. They called yesterday to say that they were coming down from Washington for the weekend. This is such a blessing. They will be here in just a few hours so I better get busy getting all my housework done.

I also was able to get my Etsy shop open, FINALLY!! I seriously have been working on it for weeks. I decided yesterday that that was THE day. I only posted a few listings, but I'm so excited to actually have it open now. I'm still working on making it pretty, but it's there. Check it out if you get a chance and tell me what you think.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you guys are having a fun and busy summer already! So are we, and we're loving every minute of it. We would love to see you guys at some point.... finances willing!
